Here's our situation:
In the past, AJHQ has failed to change the colors of clothing items, one of the most important things in Jamaa. Non-members have been unable to change colors or their items for quite a while. If they can't change the color of what clothes they wear, they can sometimes look pretty despicable with their favorite colors on and clothing that doesn't match them.

That's where CHIP-In for CHUMPS comes in!
We should all try, at least once a month, to give non-members the stuff they need in the colors they want. It would make their day if they received the item they were really needing, in the color they were really needing! It would also help to improve the negative image of members, as many non-members despise members for being "sick, ignorant in-your-faces" as some might say. I do not agree with that stereotype; and you don't have to either!

CHIP-IN for CHUMPS Slogan:
Help the people, Help them not plead! (:
Where, When, and What:

WHERE: Where ever in Jamaa you happen to be! If you see a non-member that needs help anywhere, help them out!
WHEN: This could really happen on any day, at any time. The need for clothes in the color you want knows no season!
WHAT: CHIP-IN for CHUMPS is simple! Inform non-members what you're doing for CHIP-IN for CHUMPS, ask if they would like anything (Please inform them that they can't get member items or items that are no longer sold, not everyone knows that), and get it for them. Tell them to trade in an item of a value of your choice, to be fair to you.

As a final not; BLOG OWNERS: Please pass this along! (We need more members!)

*This was not written by me*

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