Sunday, January 20, 2013

Popular Rares

Hey Jammers. Today I'm posting about something that just about everyone loves; RARES! There are tons of rares in Animal Jam so I thought I should share some information about some of them with you. I'm going to be telling you about the most popular non-member and member rares. (Source: Animal Jam Spirit- Items)

Non-Member Most Popular Rares
Rare Bow and Arrow Colors: blue, orange, black, white, pink, green, purple, magenta
Origin: Jamaalidays (daily gift)

Worn Blanket Colors: grey, green, tan, pink
Origin: Day of the Phantoms 2010
Area Available: Sky High

Rare Fox Hat Colors: orange, blue, purple, blue, pink, orange, white, red
Origin: early AJ

Non-member Glove Colors: grey, green, blue, pink, red, white, purple, tan
Origin: beta

That's pretty much it for non-member rares. Click here for the full list.

Member Rares
Headdress Colors: green, white, pink, yellow. light pink, silver/blue, silver/green, red
Origin: Feast of Thanks

That is really the only one besides Monthly Member Gifts. Here are a few of those:               

Click here for a full list of all member rares.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Chip-In for Chumps

Hello Jammers. This post is talking to members, but it helps non-members. Please join this program to help non-members get the items that they want in the colors that they want.


Here’s our situation:
In the past, AJHQ has failed to change the colors of clothing items, one of the most important things in Jamaa. Non-members have been unable to change item colors since around March or April. If they can’t change the color of what clothes they wear, they can look pretty despicable with their favorite colors on and clothing that doesn't match them.

That’s where CHIP-IN for CHUMPS comes in!
We should all try, at least twice a month, to give non-members the stuff they need in the colors they want. It would make their day if they received the item they were really needing! It would also help the negative image of members improve, as many non-members despise members for being "sick, ignorant in-your-faces" as some might say. I don’t agree with that stereotype; and you don’t have to either!

Help the people in need, Help them to not plead! (:

Where, When, and What?:
WHERE: CHIP-IN for CHUMPS meets in Jamaa Township any day, but there are larger gatherings on Saturdays.
WHEN: Saturdays are the main meetings (at whatever time), but they really happen any day, any time. The need for clothes in the color you want  knows no season!
WHAT: CHIP-IN for CHUMPS is a simple gathering. Inform non-members what you’re doing for CHIP-IN for CHUMPS, ask if they would like anything (Please inform them that they can’t wear member items… not everyone knows that), and get it for them. Tell them to trade in an item of a value of your choice, to be fair to you.

As a final note; BLOG OWNERS: Please pass this along! (We need more members)